Lauren Johnson

Lauren Johnson

Lauren Johnson is a journalist for Canadian HR Reporter and HRD Canada, where she reports on HR-related topics such as employee benefits and related employment law. 

She holds a Bachelor of Science in journalism from the University of Florida, and prior to joining Key Media, Lauren gained experience in the UK and US writing about trending and breaking news, investigative and feature stories. 

Her main interests include wellbeing and mental health and employment law. 

Ongoing feedback key to employee experience: expert

'During the pandemic, employees were communicated with consistently and felt as prioritized; however, this started to go away'

Ongoing feedback key to employee experience: expert

A deep dive into TIAA's employee experience strategy

'It's critically important that you have leadership executives who are brought into the process,' says HR leader

A deep dive into TIAA's employee experience strategy

Navigating AI implementation: a human-centric approach

'Bringing employees onboard with AI isn't just a favour, it's crucial for organizational success'

Navigating AI implementation: a human-centric approach

How United Airlines embraced continuous listening to boost employee experience

Director of talent strategy and development talks about building an effective employee listening strategy

How United Airlines embraced continuous listening to boost employee experience

Province's minimum wage increase not liveable, says study

Minimum wage earners have to work over 50 hours a week to reach viable income range

Province's minimum wage increase not liveable, says study

Town of Redcliff

Redcliff, Alberta | (50 public administration employees) and CUPE Local 46

Town of Redcliff

Ken Johnson Trucking

British Columbia, provincewide | (34 transport truck drivers) and Teamsters Local Union No. 31

Ken Johnson Trucking

Canadian Alliance Terminals

British Columbia | (30 warehouse employees) and CLAC (Service, Health, Manufacturing and Allied Workers Union) local 501

Canadian Alliance Terminals

Province to prohibit sick notes for employees

Employees may be required to attest to illness – but not with a doctor's note

Province to prohibit sick notes for employees

Family-building benefits about inclusivity, ‘culture of care’

'We wanted to acknowledge the fact that family makeups are very different today and support our colleagues accordingly,' says HR lead at TD

Family-building benefits about inclusivity, ‘culture of care’